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واللائي يئسن من المحيض من نسائكم...

1 00:00:00,078 --> 00:00:25,842 The fourth verse of Surah At-Talaq, Allah Almighty says, وَاللَّٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰ 2 00:00:26,510 --> 00:00:32,275 Al-Bazzi and Abu Amr read the situation of the arrival of Hamza by easing the tension between 3 00:00:32,335 --> 00:00:33,876 the two with the 4 00:00:53,042 --> 00:01:05,325 And no one is in need of it And no one is in need of it

So if he stops, they have three 5 00:01:05,845 --> 00:01:09,906 faces The ease of Hamzah with the Rauum with the Madd And the Madd here is the measure of 6 00:01:09,926 --> 00:01:15,248 four movements Because the Bazi and Aba Amr are the middle of the Madd, the obligatory, 7 00:01:15,388 --> 00:01:20,009 the connected So for the Bazi and Aba Amr, the situation of stopping The ease of Hamzah with 8 00:01:20,029 --> 00:01:26,435 the Rauum with the Madd is like this Wallah And making it easy for the palace like this 9 00:01:26,916 --> 00:01:33,099 Wallah And

they also have to replace it with a residence with the two residents like this 10 00:01:33,439 --> 00:01:42,943 Wallah Madd and the palace in the case of the connection And the Madd of Warsh is the size 11 00:01:43,023 --> 00:01:50,714 of six movements because it fills the connection Abu Ja'far has four movements because he is 12 00:01:50,734 --> 00:01:56,196 in the middle of the middle. Warsh reads by easing the tension between the two movements. 13 00:01:56,216 --> 00:02:08,840 This is not a good thing. Abu Ja'far reads by easing the tension between the two

movements. 14 00:02:08,880 --> 00:02:15,321 This is not a good thing. They also have the ease of tension between the two movements. 15 00:02:16,142 --> 00:02:24,968 And he was not ashamed And he was not ashamed So when he stood, they had three faces The 16 00:02:24,988 --> 00:02:29,591 ease of Hamzah with the pomegranate with the pomegranate Knowing that the pomegranate has 17 00:02:29,611 --> 00:02:34,735 a size of six movements And Abu Ja'far has a size of four movements So the ease of Hamzah 18 00:02:35,195 --> 00:02:44,461 with the pomegranate with the

pomegranate is like this And the And Abu Ja'far is like this 19 00:02:45,098 --> 00:02:51,501 Wallah And they also make it easy for Al-Hamz to have a fight with Al-Qasr Wallah And they 20 00:02:51,921 --> 00:02:58,805 are in agreement in this aspect And they also have a third aspect in which they have agreed 21 00:02:58,865 --> 00:03:09,531 And it is the replacement of Al-Hamz, O woman, with the satiety Wallah And Ibn Aamir reads, 22 00:03:09,792 --> 00:03:21,422 A'asim, Hamzah, Al-Kisa'i and Khalaf Al-Ashir بحمزة مكسورة بعدها يا

أنساكنة وصلا ووقفا وهم على أصولهم في المد فحمزة يشبع 23 00:03:21,422 --> 00:03:43,063 هكذا واللا إي يئسن من المحيظ واللا إي لم يحظ وأما البقون فيوسطون هكذا واللا إي يئسن Wallahi, 24 00:03:43,103 --> 00:03:50,248 lam ya hadn wa idha waqaf hamzatu ala hadhi al kalimati kana lahoo wajhan fuma tasheerul 25 00:03:50,288 --> 00:04:01,756 hamz ma'al maddi wa'l qasri ha'katha Wallahi, wallahi qawloo ta'ala ya isn waqaf hamzatu 26 00:04:01,816 -->

00:04:13,842 alayhi btasheerul hamzati ha'katha ya isn waqaf al baqoon btahqeeq ha'katha ya isn ˌMin nisāʾikum, 27 00:04:15,083 --> 00:04:21,825 madd waʻjib muttasil. ˌQarʾahu bil-ishbaʿi waʻrʃun wa-hamzatu, ˌwa-qarʾahu l-baʿqūna bi-ltawassuṭi 28 00:04:21,985 --> 00:04:28,947 bimiqdāri aʿrbāʾi ḥarakāt. ˌWa-idhā waqaf ḥamzatu ʿalā ḥadhi l-kalimati kān lahu wajhān, ˌtasheelul-hamz 29 00:04:28,967 --> 00:04:42,249 maʿal madd waʿl qasr ha-kathā. ˌMin nisāʾikum, min nisāʾikum. He said, Come, your wives, a 30 00:04:42,289 -->

00:04:47,794 group of people, after which Hamza was cut off. Warsh, Ibn Kathir and Abu Ja'afal read it in 31 00:04:47,914 --> 00:04:53,199 one word, in the case of the Waisl. They read it in the case of the Waisl, in the case of 32 00:04:53,219 --> 00:05:01,226 the Waisl and Al-Iskan. They have a separate tribe of Al-Madd. Warsh is like this. From 33 00:05:01,366 --> 00:05:09,736 your wives, if you obey. So Ibn Kathir and Abu Ja'far, and they say on the face of Qasr al-Silah, 34 00:05:09,756 --> 00:05:19,083 they cut him like this From your wives if you obey

And they say on the face of the middle 35 00:05:19,163 --> 00:05:27,229 of the chain, it is the middle like this From your wives if you obey And Khalaf read about 36 00:05:27,269 --> 00:05:32,293 Hamza with the investigation of non-silence and investigation with silence in the two cases 37 00:05:32,313 --> 00:05:32,793 like this 38 00:05:37,931 --> 00:05:38,192 from 39 00:05:42,233 --> 00:05:49,656 your wives if you are bound. Al-Baqoon recited the following in a silent manner. Allah said, 40 00:05:49,856 --> 00:05:55,519 If you are bound, then their number

is a word that means bound. In the context of a group, 41 00:05:55,539 --> 00:06:01,761 then it is moving. Al-Wasl read it in the context of a group. Ibn Kathir and Abu Ja'far said 42 00:06:01,801 --> 00:06:10,856 one word. like this if you are bound, then their time is three months and they read it as a 43 00:06:10,876 --> 00:06:15,577 state of connection and and they read it as a state of connection and and the three stopped 44 00:06:15,657 --> 00:06:20,838 at the time of the time of the time and the rest are in the two cases his saying is,

come, 45 00:06:20,858 --> 00:06:26,040 then their time and Yaqoub stopped at this word and his saying is, come, their time and his 46 00:06:26,060 --> 00:06:34,502 saying is, come, their burden with this three-fold silence like this so their time is Ajaluhunnah 47 00:06:35,103 --> 00:06:44,967 hamluhunnah Wa waqafal baqoon binnooni al-mushaddada ma'al iskani ha'katha Fa'iddathuhunn Ajaluhunn 48 00:06:45,488 --> 00:06:55,833 hamluhunn Qawluhu ta'ala 3aashhurin wallaa'i Tanweenun ba'da huwaaw Qara akhalafun an hamzatabil-idghami 49 00:06:55,853 -->

00:07:14,974 min gha'ir ghunnetin ha'katha فعدتهن ثلاثة أشهر والله لم يحظن وقرأ الباقون بالإضغام مع الغنة هكذا ثلاثة أشهر والله لم يحظن 50 00:07:14,974 --> 00:07:26,322 ولا يخفاك أن ورشا يشبع المتصل ويوسطه الباقون قوله تعالى وأولاة الأحمال وقف حمزة على كلمة وأولاة 51 00:07:44,503 --> 00:07:44,763 by the 52 00:08:01,606 --> 00:08:07,631 So, for Khalaf, the only way to reach is silence over the word Al, and for

Khalad, silence over 53 00:08:07,651 --> 00:08:13,696 the word Al, and leave the silence. So, when Hamza stopped from his narrations on this word, 54 00:08:13,716 --> 00:08:20,894 he had both the transfer and the silence. So, the rest of the people read with the And the 55 00:08:20,934 --> 00:08:27,760 rest of them read with pride with the veil like this, that he should be afraid. And the saying 56 00:08:27,780 --> 00:08:32,624 of Allah is like this, and whoever fears Allah, is different from Hamza who reads with pride 57 00:08:32,644 --> 00:08:38,089 without

a veil like this, and whoever fears Allah, and the rest of them read with pride 58 00:08:38,129 --> 00:08:48,710 with the veil like this, and whoever fears Allah, makes it easy for him to do so. He read a verse 59 00:08:48,770 --> 00:08:54,653 about the transfer of Hamza's movement to the residence before him in two cases like this 60 00:08:55,233 --> 00:08:59,134 He read a verse about Hamza's investigation of non-quietness and investigation of quietness 61 00:08:59,194 --> 00:09:07,798 in two cases like this From his command, he is And the transfer adds to it

a state of stop 62 00:09:07,858 --> 00:09:12,820 He read the verse about the investigation of non-quietness in two cases Other than the transfer 63 00:09:12,900 --> 00:09:20,150 of Hamza's transfer to a state of stop Qawluhu Ta'ala Yusra Qara Abu Ja'farin Bi Damm Al-Sin 64 00:09:20,190 --> 00:09:26,723 Ha Katha Yusura Wa Qara Al-Baqoon Bi Iskan Ha Ha Katha Yusra